2014-2022 Mini Cooper - 2-Door, F56-S; 50/50; With Adjustable thigh support; With Manual driver & Passenger; No Lumbar; NO JCW
2014-2022 Mini Cooper - Coupe, 2-Door, F56-S; Hard Top Coupe; 50/50 Split Back; Solid Bottom; With 2 Removable Headrest; No JCW
2014-2022 Mini Cooper - F56-S; 50/50; With Adjustable thigh support; With Power driver & Manual Passenger; No Lumbar; No JCW
2014-2020 Mini Cooper - 4-Door, F55; 60/40 split bench; solid bottom; w/3 removable headrests
2014-2020 Mini Cooper - 4-Door, F55; 50/50 bucket; With Removable Headrest; With Side airbag; With Manual driver & passenger seat
2012-2015 Mini Cooper - The Two-Seater-Roadster BASE; 50/50 base seat; With Removable headrest; Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2009-2015 Mini Cooper - BASE - Convertible, 50/50 base seat; With Removable headrest; Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2012-2015 Mini Cooper - The Two-Seater Roadster S; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable headrest; Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2012-2015 Mini Cooper - S - Two Seater Roadster S; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; With Manual inner lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2009-2015 Mini Cooper - BASE - Two-Seater Roadster BASE; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; With Manual inner lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2009-2015 Mini Cooper - S - Convertible, R57-S; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2009-2015 Mini Cooper - S - Convertible, 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; With Manual inner lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2009-2015 Mini Cooper - Convertible, 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2010-2015 Mini Cooper - Convertible, 2-Door, 50/50 Split Back; Solid Bottom; With 2 removable headrests
2008-2014 Mini Cooper - CLUBMAN - BASE; 50/50 base seat; With Removable Headrest; Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2012-2014 Mini Cooper - BASE - Coupe, Two-Seater 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; With Manual inner lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2008-2014 Mini Cooper - S - 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; With Manual inner lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2013-2014 Mini Cooper - BASE - Coupe, The Two-Seater; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable headrest;Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2008-2014 Mini Cooper - BASE - BASE; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; With Manual inner lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2008-2014 Mini Cooper - CLUBMAN - R55; 1st Gen; Solid Seat Bottom; 50/50 Split Backrest; With 2 removable headrests
2008-2014 Mini Cooper - S - S Model; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2012-2014 Mini Cooper - S - Coupe, Two-Seater 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; With Manual inner lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2012-2014 Mini Cooper - COUPE S - Coupe, The Two-Seater; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable headrest; Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2007-2013 Mini Cooper - BASE,CLUBMAN - Hatchback, 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2007-2013 Mini Cooper - S,S CLUBMAN - R56; Hardtop S & Clubman S; 50/50 sport; With Removable Headrest; With Manual inner lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2007-2013 Mini Cooper - BASE,CLUBMAN - R56; Hardtop & Clubman BASE; 50/50 sport; With Removable Headrest; With Manual inner lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2007-2013 Mini Cooper - HARDTOP S, CLUBMAN S - R56; Hardtop; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable Headrest; Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2007-2013 Mini Cooper - S - Hatchback, 50/50 split; With Removable headrest
2007-2013 Mini Cooper - BASE - Hatchback, 50/50 split; With Removable headrest
2012 Mini Cooper - BASE - Coupe, The Two-Seater; 50/50 base seat; With Removable headrest;Without lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2007-2008 Mini Cooper - BASE - Convertible, R52; 50/50 base seat; With Removable headrest; w/lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2007-2008 Mini Cooper - S - Convertible, R52-S; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable headrest; w/lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2005-2008 Mini Cooper - Convertible, 50/50 split Backrest Seat; solid bottom; With 2 headrests
2002-2006 Mini Cooper - S - R53-S; 50/50 sport seat; With Removable headrest; w/lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2002-2006 Mini Cooper - BASE - 50/50 sport seat; With Removable headrest; w/lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2002-2006 Mini Cooper - BASE - 50/50 base seat; With Removable headrest; w/lumbar knobs; With Side airbag
2002-2006 Mini Cooper - BASE - Hatchback, 50/50 split; With Removable headrest
2002-2006 Mini Cooper - S - R53-S; 50/50 split; With Removable headrest; NOT FOR CONVERTIBLE